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Student Information




Students laptop packages include the HP X360 convertible laptop with touchscreen, active pen, power cord, and protective sleeve.


Student laptops run Windows 10 Professional with Office Pro Plus, allowing students to work online from the Office portal or with locally installed programs.  The laptop, regardless of physical location, is subject to the district acceptable use policy and internet filtering. 


Students are expected to...


  • bring laptops to school everyday, fully charged.

  • exercise proper care of the laptops and accessories.

  • practice digital citizenship while using the devices.



Students are assigned a district email account as part of their Office 365 license.  Use of district email is subject to filtering and is for school-related communication only.


While the district does use a spam filter, any questionable emails must be reported to a site technician.


The Riverview School District has a zero tolerance policy for any form of cyberbullying.  Any indication of such activity on any district equipment will be subject to disciplinary action.




Device and software support is available from onsite technicians located in the  LRC at both Tolt and Cedarcrest.  Elementary students should report issues to a teacher who will then create a help desk ticket.


Troubleshooting and Tip Chart


Email CHS Support


Email TMS Support



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